Are you curious about how to use mineral oil on cutting board? Perhaps, you have recently bought a stunning cutting board. You may have heard that cleaning a wooden cutting board differs from cleaning one made of glass. Today, we’ll talk about how to take care of it and, more precisely, what kinds of oils you can use in various circumstances.
Wood is porous, so even though it is difficult to notice, it absorbs any liquids you pour on it, even water. A cutting board made of wood might suffer from a fluid buildup in several ways.
Wood will warp or split if it expands and contracts to absorb moisture. Mold and other germs might flourish in any moist environment. As a result, you must treat the cutting board to prevent water absorption. However, you must be cautious about what you use to clean and maintain your chopping board because anything you put on it could end up in your meal.
A Cutting Board

Typically, a cutting board is a single-ply piece of glass, wood, vinyl, or plastic. A cutting board, also known as a butcher block, is a sturdy surface used to cut bread, fruit, vegetables, and meat. In any kitchen, a decent cutting board is a workhorse. Above all, it should be sizable, with enough room for cutting or carving, and relatively simple to maintain.
A cutting board is a sturdy piece of equipment that can be used to cut various foods. They can be made of many different materials, such as glass, vinyl, or wood. For simple storage, there are small, medium, and large cutting boards available. The entire countertop can also be made appropriate for homeowners’ use as a cutting board, or they can have a separate piece of rolling furniture that serves the same function.
A cutting board or butcher block can be made using a variety of hues and wood species for an elaborate work that is both beautiful and practical. Cutting boards with specific divisions can also be made; these are often used to store knives.
Why Should You How to Use Mineral Oil on Cutting Board?
Wooden cutting boards have inherent pores, just like all kitchen equipment made of wood does. These pores can take up food waste and serve as mold growth sites. A board may shatter if the wood fibers get too dry or accumulate too much moisture and distort.
The only preventative method for these issues is sometimes to rub food-grade mineral oil onto your wooden board. Mineral oil can extend the usable life of your hardwood cutting board or butcher blocks by being applied quarterly or monthly.
Cutting boards may not require much care because they are just simple wooden slabs. Still, they do. Wood is a porous, organic substance that ages and changes. You decide whether it dries out and splinters or acquires a lovely, glossy patina.
Regular oil use is necessary for the latter to be realized. Oil not only effectively absorbs into the wood and keeps it supple and smooth, but it also has a modest water-repellent effect. A hardwood cutting board that has been damp or submerged in water for a while is more likely to develop bacteria or warp. The board might eventually fracture and become dangerous to use.
Additionally, a protective coating aids in preventing juice or other liquid stains from sticking to the cutting board’s surface. Oiling your cutting board will safeguard it from spills or stains, so if you fancy making a fresh beet salad or sipping wine while cooking, do so.
How to Use Mineral Oil on Cutting Board?

Cutting board oiling is a crucial aspect of kitchen upkeep. A cutting board can resist odors and stains and prevent cracking by being oiled. It also makes washing more convenient!
I try to oil my cutting boards once every two weeks, but the intervals depend on how frequently you use and wash them. Since it’s so simple, there’s no reason not to do it. An oiled cutting board will last much longer than one suffering from moisture problems. Here are some tips on using Mineral oil on your cutting board.
💡First Step: What You’ll Need
◾️Any dry cutting board (it should look not very interesting, and the color should be lighter than standard)
◾️Mineral oil
◾️Spotless rag
Remember that choosing the correct mineral oil is crucial. Never use cooking oils, as they can become sticky and stinky. Mineral oil is affordable and secure. You may readily locate bottles of cutting board oil, which is a widely used and affordable option, in most kitchen supply stores. I use a homemade wooden spoon of butter with a combination of mineral oil and beeswax. Kitchen supply stores also carry branded cutting board oil and creams for cutting boards.
💡Second Step: How to Apply Mineral Oil on Cutting Board
◾️A little Mineral oil should be applied to your soft cloth.
◾️Rub the cutting board carefully to spread the Mineral oil all over the surface with a soft cloth. Until the board’s entire surface is shiny and won’t absorb any more mineral oil, you will keep adding Mineral oil and rubbing. Remember to grab the cutting board’s sides as well!
◾️Make sure to apply cutting board oil gradually to give it time to absorb into the wood.
◾️Turn the board over now, and follow the same procedure on the back.
💡Third Step: Relaxing and Eliminating Excess
◾️After thoroughly oiling the board, set it alone to allow the oil to absorb completely.
◾️To remove any extra oil, go over the board with the cloth. You can now start cutting on it!
◾️To show you how dramatic the effect is, I’ve provided extra photographs of the board before and after oil.
💡Fourth Step: General Maintenance for Cutting Boards
◾️Leaving a cutting board in water can lead to cracking after it dries, so never do it. Wash it right away, always!
◾️If a cutting board accumulates numerous deep wounds or surface stains, lightly sand it and oil-season it.
◾️I have separate plastic cutting boards exclusively for meat; never chop or place raw meat on a cutting board.
◾️I advise hand cleaning a cutting board in warm water with liquid soap to clean it. Try to avoid using anything particularly fragrant because it can absorb the fragrance. Although it works great for plastic cutting boards, I’ve never put a cutting board in the dishwasher.
◾️A half-lemon or plain vinegar (sprayed on) works well for cleaning and sanitizing a wooden board.
◾️Try to use diverse portions of the cutting board surface, so you don’t wear out just one way. You may use both sides of a wooden cutting board to prevent one side from being unduly worn.
◾️The same method may be used to oil a butcher block; I use it the same way to oil my kitchen cart, which has a butcher block top.
◾️You’ll have a fantastic cutting board that will last a long time if you use these suggestions and oil it frequently.
Different Kinds of Cutting Board

Cutting boards and knives are the ideal kitchen pair, and just like knives, it is necessary to consider the kind of cutting board you purchase. You must consider its benefits and peculiarities to choose the type that best suits your preferences because it serves as more than just countertop protection.
Here are the many kinds of cutting boards that cut after we summed it all up for you:
👉Wooden Cutting Board
The most famous cutting board, which is made of wood, is at the top of the list. This cutting board style is considered a classic kitchen accessory, like wooden kitchen utensils. Not just because of its timeless appearance but also because it may last for years with the proper care and upkeep. The longevity of wood-cutting boards is one of their most obvious advantages. It has a reputation for withstanding frequent use.
A wood board is a wise financial investment because of its durability, making it a security instrument. You need a solid, dependable surface when cooking incredibly raw meat. To avoid injuries, this is crucial. A cutting board made of wood offers this support.
According to recent research, the scratches that build up over time on wooden cutting boards are less likely to be a breeding habitat for hazardous bacteria than those on plastic cutting boards, dispelling the notion that they are likely to be a breeding environment for these organisms. This occurs because the bacteria penetrate the wood board so profoundly that they cannot multiply, leading to their demise. Therefore, it is okay to use either as long as you maintain them clean; bacterial buildup should not be a significant concern.
👉Bamboo Cutting Board
For eco-warriors, bamboo makes the ideal environmentally friendly alternative cutting board. It is a tough grass that can be picked without chemicals and is a sustainable, renewable resource. However, it is not just for environmentalists as it is a highly popular choice among consumers. Its sleek, fashionable appearance and the fact that it does not absorb liquids as readily as hardwood boards make it less likely to split and warp. Bamboo is more moisture resistant and can survive longer than some wooden boards in the same price range because it is naturally porous.
Of course, this sort of cutting board has drawbacks as well. It is made of an extremely hard substance compared to wood, which can quickly dull your knives. If you aren’t careful, any little cuts in the bamboo can also make it harder for you to have a smooth movement while cutting by causing your blades to catch.
👉Plastic Cutting Board
When plastic was industrialized as a material and became widely available, these cutting boards became popular. The dishwasher-friendly design and low price of this cutting board make them stand out. One can purchase two or three of these in the many colors available for specialized food preparation tasks because they are fairly priced.
Therefore, if a plastic cutting board’s surface has significant scarring, it should be changed. The primary cause of this is that germs like to develop in these knife-scarred regions and can be seriously ill when transferred to food. Manual cleaning and disinfection are impossible for the grooves left by the knife cuts. You cannot be sure that this sort of chopping board is safe to use again for food preparation because bacteria have a history of adhering to these creases even after thorough washing.
Finally, despite being dishwasher-safe, they should be kept from the dishwasher while the cycle is drying because they could distort or slightly bend. Due to the unstable cutting surface created by this, there are higher risks of slippage when using a knife. After the wash cycle, remove the plastic board and let it air dry to prevent “distorting.”
👉Glass Made Cutting Board
Tempered glass has an appealing appearance despite this. The type of cutting board that is still the least advised is glass. No matter how infrequently you use your cutting board, blades are not designed to endure cutting and chopping on tempered glass. Additionally, it is quite brittle and has a very slippery surface, making it a disaster waiting to happen. Despite not having many uses as a cutting board, it is a fantastic choice for food presentation.
You’ve reviewed the benefits, drawbacks, and, most crucially, the hygiene guidelines for each cutting board. This might aid in deciding what will work best for your kitchen. Remember, though, that no matter what cutting board you use, the best way to prevent cross-contamination is to designate various boards separately and exclusively for a particular use.
Kinds of Oil to Use on Cutting Board
👉Mineral Oil
A vital component in maintaining a cutting board is mineral oil. It can prevent absorption since it repels water. You must be careful when purchasing, though, as many different things might have the description “mineral oil.” You want liquid paraffin, not solid paraffin. It is safe to digest and is also known as food-grade mineral oil. This flavorless material is odorless. It is innocuous and shelf-stable.
Apply copious amounts of mineral oil on your cutting board using an excess moisture cloth for optimal results. The wood will absorb the oil after 2-4 hours. Use paper towels or cloth to remove anything that wasn’t absorbed. Repeat every month or more frequently as necessary until your board is dried. Mineral oil is the best cutting board oil.
Cutting boards made of wood are moisturized and polished using beeswax. This natural material is resistant to water and safe for food. Regular application of beeswax can keep your cutting board looking brand new. Beeswax is solid, making it more difficult for the wood to absorb. It is made simpler to use and gains the advantages of the oil when combined with it. It improves the water resistance of mineral oil when combined with it, while coconut oil, when combined with it, keeps the moisture in.
If mineral oil is used, there should be twice as much oil in the combination as beeswax. The coconut oil mixture requires four times as much coconut oil as beeswax. Two tablespoons of the mixture should be applied to the cutting board at a time, working with the grain. Let the cutting board stand for 4 to 6 hours before wiping off the extra.
👉Coconut Oil
Fractionated coconut oil, which is the oil that remains after the fat from regular coconut oil has been removed, is another tool for keeping your wooden cutting boards. The oil found in food shops is not the same as this. This oil is food-safe and shelf stable because fat can get rancid. Coconut oil enters the wood’s pores, keeping it hydrated like mineral oil. When wood cutting boards are adequately hydrated, they won’t crack or absorb microorganisms.
You are applying coconut oil on a chopping board made of wood. Spread wooden spoons of coconut oil over the cutting board’s surface and rub them with your hand down the grain to use it. Repetition three or four times, then a six-hour drying period for the cutting board. Do this every month or whenever the board is dry.
👉Baking Soda and Lemon Juice
The following two cleaning solutions we’ll look at don’t contain oils, serve the same goal, and can be combined. They are baking soda and lemon juice. They both clean the wood fibers of stains and odors. Use a warm, moist cloth or sponge to apply a few drops of lemon juice and baking soda before using. Dry and rinse the board. You can keep it smelling fresh by combining lemon juice and oil with other oils like olive oil and vegetable oil.
Cleaning and Oiling a Cutting Board

To fully benefit from oiling, a cutting board oil should be allowed to soak for as long as possible, ideally, three hours to overnight. Since you won’t be using your cutting board for the upcoming meals, it’s better to oil it at the end of the day or when you’re certain you won’t.
Make sure your wood-cutting board is clean and dry before adding oil. It’s better to start with a board that is as clean as possible because any minute food particles on the surface will probably be rubbed into the surface.
Usually, thorough washing with warm, soapy water and a soft sponge suffices. Rinse well, then let the area air dry. A wooden cutting board should never be put into the dishwasher.
Starting to oil now. A generous amount of mineral oil is distributed on one side of the wood-cutting board. You can keep adding oil as you move around the board if you don’t need to be accurate. Rub the oil into the wood in a circular motion or against the grain using a clean, soft dishcloth or paper towel.
When the side has a great shine and can no longer absorb more oil, keep applying oil and rubbing it into the surface. Repeat the technique on the other side of the board. Ensure you include every side.
It’s crucial to allow the cutting board to absorb as much oil as possible. Leave the board leaning against a wall or standing on its side.
After five to ten minutes, you can wipe off any excess oil before leaving the board overnight. If the boards are particularly dry or brand-new, you can reapply the oil a second or third time, or you can use the same method to apply a board cream. The cutting board can also be left overnight and given a quick wipe the following morning. Your cutting board should have a lovely fresh shine once you’ve eliminated all extra oil.
Oiling Cutting Board Regularly
A wooden cutting board must likely be oiled if it feels dry or if the surface quickly absorbs any liquid.
Many prefer to season or oil a fresh wood cutting board before using it, just like with cast iron cookware. Even if the board is pre-oiled, it might have dried out while being stored or transported. A nice coat of oil should restore it to its original condition. Of course, doing so is optional.
There are a few ways to determine if your cutting board is getting dry, but there is yet to be a set schedule for when you should oil it. Your board may need to be oiled if some areas appear lighter or duller than others. If the water spreads or is absorbed into the wood, you have a very dry cutting board on your hands. You can also sprinkle some water on the surface.
In any event, depending on how frequently you use it, a smart strategy is to oil your dependable cutting board once or twice a year.
A Cutting Board with Proper Oiling
It’s quite simple to oil a cutting board. You may get a cutting board that will endure for many years in just two simple processes, which basically only require applying oil to the board and letting it sit overnight.
Using the proper oil is the most crucial aspect (apart from remembering actually to oil your cutting board). A nice bottle of food-grade mineral oil is your best option because you need a food-grade oil that doesn’t become rancid and is preferably odorless and colorless.
Frequently Asked Questions
How long should a cutting board be immersed in mineral oil?
Spread a generous amount of mineral oil over the board’s surface and let it soak in for the night. In addition, keeping the wood lubricated to prevent drying out, and warping will greatly increase the board’s resistance to moisture.
Does a cutting board include oil on both sides?
The edges and both sides of the cutting board should be oiled. To dry overnight, lean the board against a wall or sink. The next day, if any extra oil is still on the wood, you can wipe it off with a rag.
What happens to your cutting board if you don’t grease it?
It will eventually dry out and crack if you don’t oil it. When you initially buy a wooden cutting board, clean it and season it the same way you would a cast-iron skillet by applying a thin layer of mineral oil or another food-safe oil and pressing it into the board with a cloth or paper towel.
How is a homemade cutting board sealed?
To a cotton rag, liberally apply butcher block wood or food-grade mineral oil. Apply the oil to the wood’s surface on all sides by thoroughly rubbing it. Apply more oil until the wood no longer absorbs it. The next day, let it dry.
Is mineral oil safe for use in food?
Eat no baby oil. It has laxative effects and probably doesn’t taste great. (Mineral oil is safe for intake by humans, but only in doses of up to 100 mg. Since it has no flavor or odor and is employed in industrial food preparation, food-grade mineral oil accounts for a large portion of those milligrams.
Final Thoughts
Your board will last for many years if you keep it greased. Cutting boards are a lovely and useful addition to your kitchen, although requiring extra maintenance and attention. They make a beautiful serving plate and will keep your knives sharp. Find out more about what utensils do i need in the kitchen!