A curved knife can be sharpened just as easily as a straight blade. The products employed differ slightly, though. A typical straight blade is honed on a flat stone. A round-edged stone must be used to sharpen a curved knife with an inward curve, such as a hawkbill, kukri, or karambit knife.
Angles and the actual sharpening process are frequently the same. The sole distinction is that a round edge stone is necessary for proper contact with the blade. Some knives have a very slight inward bend close to the heel. The easiest way to sharpen this part of the knife is with a round edge stone, too.
A Curved Blade

The knife is only designed for close-quarters combat. Because it swiftly conceals itself in the hair, it is also known as the woman’s weapon. It is currently seen as an odd addition to any defensive toolbox. Thus, having this knife is commonplace for many people.
Knowing how to sharpen such a knife is essential, especially after making a significant investment. It’s important to understand those specific knives are already sharp and ready to use when you unpack them and learn how to sharpen them. But with repeated use and time, the blade eventually turns dull, indicating the need for sharpening. This article aims to simplify the process of sharpening a knife for you.
A Curved blade is generally used for peeling fruits, vegetables, and potatoes, but it is also sharp enough to cut through even the most harrowing skins. They are significantly safer because of their hard blades and solid and ergonomic handles, which work together to keep the knife from slipping when peeling.
Basics of Sharpening a Curved Blade
Curved blade sharpening is easier than you may imagine. It is just as simple to sharpen as a straight blade from a sharpening standpoint. The methods employed are similar, but the tools are a bit different. So, when learning how to sharpen a curved knife, be careful to pick the appropriate sharpener and technique to achieve a razor-sharp edge.
A flat stone is required to accurately and seamlessly sharpen a conventional straight blade with an outward bend. A stone with a round edge is needed to make a curved knives with an inward curvature, like a karambit or kukri.
Both the actual procedure and the sharpening angles are essentially unchanged. There is only one distinction: a round-edged stone is required since only it can properly contact the blade. A few knives have a slight inward curvature towards the heel that can be perfectly sharpened with one of these stones.
Due to the curved blade design, most Curved Blades should not be sharpened using an Arkansas flat stone or a flat bench stone sharpener. This is so because neither of the two contributes to finishing the work. A triangular or round rod works best for this duty as a sharpener. It works well with using round ceramic rods and honing steels. Never even consider using an electric sharpener!
Steps on Sharpening Curved Blade

A curved blade can be sharpened in the same way as any other knife or blade. But before you begin, you must ensure that the blade or knife is clean and clear of any dirt or debris. This suggests that you ought only to sharpen clean knives. The blade should be cleaned if it is unclean, so it is prepared for sharpening. Use a dry, soft cloth to wipe away debris after carefully inspecting the blade for dirt or dust.
Consider putting a solution of liquid soap and warm water on the Curved knife blade if the grime won’t come off by wiping and then drying it with a fresh towel. To put it simply, the blade must be fully dry and clean before it can be sharpened.
It is important to remember that handling sharp objects is dangerous. Thus, it is advisable to take all necessary safety measures. For instance, it is required to wear strong gloves. Here are the steps you should take to sharpen a dry and clean Curved knife Blade:
Step 1
Grip the blade firmly with your hands. Holding it too tightly could signal that you are preparing to attack someone, so be careful. The grip should feel flexible, cozy, and firm while giving you a strong feeling. Knife sharpening is an art that requires steadiness, attention, and reason. Therefore, ensure your wrist is flexible and that you are clasping the blade to the sharpener at a slight angle. It needs to be as compact as is practical. If you don’t do this, you might completely alter the blade’s shape or reduce its length. A worse outcome would be if the blade ended up being harmed. All three are undesirable.
Step 2
Start carefully and smoothly stroking the curved blade across the sharpening stone’s surface with medium grit. Keep in mind that the small, curved knife is naturally sensitive. Therefore you should select a refined, compact stone. At this point, you must be extremely careful and stroke such that the blade stays directed away from you. Make sure that both sides have the same number of strokes.
Step 3
Once you have the required sharp look, continue to stroke the blade while switching to a finer grit or sharpening stone. For altering the edge, It is appropriate to use finer grit. Carrying out each procedure using stones from the same brand is advisable. There will be a tiny opening between the blade and the stone that you can see. This is a result of the knife’s form. This necessitates the use of another sharpening instrument.
Step 4
Use a rectangle or spherical sharpener that is narrow and fine to make the blade sharp. Such a sharpener is typically constructed of steel. Make sure to sharpen the tool in continuous, lengthy strokes while holding it at the slightest angle allowed.
Step 5
Finally, use a dry, clean towel to wipe away any remaining grime or powdered stuff from the knife. Similarly, dust the tools by blowing them off or cleaning them down.
Kinds of Sharpening Stones

Oil, water, and Diamond Stones are the three most popular varieties of sharpening stones. Each of these stones offers benefits that can aid users in achieving their sharpening objectives. The distinctions between eachsharpening stone material are covered below.
Oil Sharpening Stone
Many people were raised using conventional oil stones. For many years, these have been offered for sale in the USA. Oil stones are more durable than water stones. One of three materials—Novaculite, Aluminum Oxide, or Silicon Carbide—is used to make these stones, and oil is used to remove the swarf (metal polishing) and prevent clogging.
The oil stones composed of aluminum oxide are a highly popular manufactured option. The Norton India Stones are the most well-known.These stones might provide equipment and blades a fine edge while cutting swiftly. Usually, such stones are divided into three categories: fine, medium, and coarse. Oftentimes, these stones have an orange or brown tint. Aluminum Oxide stones are coarser than stones from Arkansas.
The oil stone’s two best qualities are its inexpensive cost and overall solid performance. The cheapest stones to buy are a set of Indian or Crystolon stones. The cost of natural sharpening stones varies, from the Soft Arkansas Stone, which is quite affordable, to the Hard Black and Translucent Arkansas Stones, which are more expensive. Since all oil stones are relatively hard, flattening them is rarely necessary.
The oil stone’s slower cutting rate is by far its biggest drawback. The oil stone is the slowest of the three primary stone types. Additionally, messier to clean up than water; oil is utilized to remove the swarf.
Water Sharpening Stones
Water stones have gained popularity because of their numerous performance benefits. Both natural and artificial materials can be used to make water stones. However, since manufactured water stones predominate, we’ll talk primarily about them.
Aluminum oxide, an abrasive substance, is frequently used to make water stones. The substance that holds the abrasives together differs between an oil stone and a water stone. Compared to oil stones, water stones are gentler. Because the old abrasive material separates and is replaced by new, sharp material, the softer binder encourages faster cutting.
Another clear benefit is using water rather than oil to remove the swarf (metal fragments formed during sharpening) from the stone. In addition to making cleanup more straightforward, water is almost always available. There is a drawback to the water stone’s softness. It has to be periodically flattened as the stone ages.
Diamond Sharpening Stones
Diamonds are attached to a metal surface in diamond stones. The hardest abrasive substance created for stone honing is industrial diamond. There are numerous sizes, styles, and grits of these well-liked sharpening stones. The two primary varieties of diamond stone. The first is referred to as an interrupted diamond surface because it has holes in it to catch the swarf.
Compared to other types of sharpening stones, diamond stones have several advantages. The sharpening stones with the fastest cutting speed are diamond ones. Rate is extremely useful when dealing with coarse grits, where you might have to spend more time on a dull edge. Diamonds are flat and maintain their flatness throughout their whole existence. This is quite beneficial when sharpening tools that require a completely flat stone. Diamond gemstones require the most negligible upkeep; dry them after usage.
Grits ranging from 220 to 1200 are routinely obtainable in diamond stones. The purest diamond stone with a wide range of availability is 1200 grit.
How Can You Determine When You’ve Finished Using a Sharpening Stone?
Knowing when you’re finished with one stone and prepared for the next one with a finer grit is a crucial but frequently difficult aspect of sharpening. On rough stones, it’s quite simple. You’ll see a burr growing on the other side of the edge when you sharpen one side. Although difficult to see, this burr is simple to feel. By softly tracing your palm from the spine to the edge, feel for any burrs with caution. When your stone removes material just at the edge, a burr is created.
As you switch between sharpening sides, the burr will shift from one side of your knife to the other. Before switching to the next finer stone, make sure you can feel the burr bounce between the two surfaces. That will guarantee that you have effectively sharpened both sides. The process is the same for finer grits, but the burr is considerably smaller. You might not even be able to detect the burr on the finest grains. When you’re finished, check the knife’s sharpness.
Frequently Asked Question
What is the purpose of a curved blade?
Boaters and marine workers use knives with inwardly curved blades to cut through nylon ropes and nets. The blade’s design aids in preventing the string from slipping. Additionally, it makes cutting downward much simpler.
Why would a blade get curved?
Straight-bladed swords are more challenging to draw from the sheath than curved-bladed ones. They should also be your first pick if you need to take out several foes quickly. Curved swords have a larger cutting surface than straight ones because of their improved attack angle.
Why do curved blades cut more effectively?
Swords with curves typically cut more effectively. This is because they feature a more extended blade surface area that often follows the motion of your cut and is in touch with your target for a more extended period. This could lead to a deeper wound. When using curved swords, you typically strive to make a draw cut.
What knife form has the highest strength?
Proper spearpoint blades have a core spine and a double edge, just like a dagger or spearhead. The spear point, which may be found on many thrusting knives, including the dagger, is one of the most robust blades in penetrating stress.
Which blade has the most excellent edge?
The sharpest knives now in existence are made of obsidian. This is due to their astonishingly tiny blades. A conchoidal fracture is a term for the way obsidian fractures. The edge of a classic chef’s knife does not resemble this type of fracture.
Final Words
Curved blades’ sharpness and lifetime can be impacted by how you store them. Simply dumping them in a cluttered utensil drawer can expose them to rust, wear, and damage, making it much easier to cut yourself by accident. Once you’ve chosen your ideal cutting tools, you’ll need to routinely sharpen them to maintain them operating as effectively as possible because a sharp knife is far safer and more effective than a blunt one.
If you use the correct equipment and the proper method, sharpening a curved blade is straightforward. You have two options: pick from the available round-edge sharpeners or build your special sharpener. Want to know about how to put an edge on a knife? Click here!